1 Introduction to veterinary surgery
2 Considerations during surgery
11 X ray Interaction with matter
14 Radiographic faults and artefacts on the film
19 Local and regional anaesthesia Part I
20 Local and regional anaesthesia Part II
21 Injectable General anaesthesia
26 Electronarcosis, hypothermia and chemical immobilization
29 Lateral ear canal resection
39 Fractures- Principles of management
40 Fractures-Methods of fracture management
45 Diagnostic Imaging Modalities in Veterinary Practice – An Introduction
51 Instrument handling and skills
52 Xray for diagnostic purposes
55 Scattered radiation and control
56 Basics of radiographic evaluations
57 Radiation hazard and safety
59 Principle of radiation therapy
64 Pre-anesthetic considerations
65 Reinforced surgeon’s knot one-hand-tie
67 Ruminant Stomach-Abomasal displacement