October 23, 2024
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Veterinary Microbiology

Department of Veterinary Microbiology


Erstwhile UP College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Mathura was established in the year 1947. The ‘Department of Bacteriology and Pathology came in existence in the year 1950. With the recognition of specialties, the Department of Bacteriology and Pathology was split into Department of Microbiology and Department of Pathology in the year 1962. The Department of Microbiology imparts instruction in Bacteriology, Virology, Immunology, and Mycology for the award of B. V. Sc. & A.H. and M.V.Sc. degrees. While the failings of the department are its own, it owes, for its accomplishment, a-great debt to the first Principal of this Institution, Dr. P.G. Pande, who also was the first “Professor and Head of the combined Department of Bacteriology and Pathology. Credit for infusing the department with new thoughts and modelling it on progressive lines goes to Dr. C.M. Singh, Ex-Director, ‘Indian Veterinary Research Institute”, who ably succeeded ‘Dr. Pande as Professor and Head of the’ Department. The department has its own historical legacy and is served by the eminent academician and scientist renowned not only in India but in the world.

Head of Department:


Sl. No Professor & Head Year from Year to
1 Dr. P.G. Pande 1950 1957
2 Dr. C.M. Singh 1957 1963
3 Dr. D.K. Murty 1963 1964
4 Dr. B.S. Malik 1964 1969
5 Dr. S.C. Adalakha 1969 1971
6 Dr. R.C. Pathak 1971 1989
7 Dr. D.P. Singh 1989 1998
8 Dr. A.K. Bhatia 1999 2009
9 Dr. S. K. Yadav 2009 2018
10 Dr. Rashmi Singh 2018 2021
11 Dr. S. K. Yadav 2021 2024
12 Dr. Rashmi Singh 2024 Continuing


The department modestly claims to be the first in India as also in the world in respect to certain findings. Several new species of bacteria were reported for the first time viz. Salmonella Mathura, Salmonella Vrindavan, Salmonella Brijbhumi, Salmonella Gokul and Salmonella Goverdhan. Isolation of Shigella dysenteriae from monkeys and Shigella flexneri from Bloosom headed parakeet was reported for the first time. The causative agent of CRD in poultry (Mycoplasma) has been reported from this department for the first time in India. The existence and incidence of Infectious Bronchitis (IB) and Infectious laryngo-tracheitis (ILT) viruses of poultry have been reported by this department for the first time in India. Round heart disease of poultry in India was also reported from this department for the first time. Studies on the Mycoplasma infections in domestic animals have been the leading studies of this department. 16 species of Mycoplasma have been isolated for the first time in India. Enteroviruses of pig, sheep and poultry were also reported and studied for the first time in the country. Establishment of Para influenza (PI-3) virus in sheep in India; Twelve strains of this virus have been isolated from sheep, characterized and studied for their different properties. Isolation of Vibrio organism in buffaloes in India was also reported. Studies on Trichophyton simii infection in chicken, dogs and man-are also first time reported in the country.

The Department is also recognized for the Doctorate and the post-doctorate research work. So far 120 and 18 students have obtained their M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. Degrees, respectively. Department is actively engaged in investigating disease outbreaks and visit to villages for imparting knowledge and disseminating awareness education as part of extension activities.

Apart from teaching and academic research, Department has handled several research projects funded by different funding agencies including DST, AICRP, ICAR, NATP etc.


Courses Offered: BVSc & AH


Course No. Name of the course Credit Hours
VMC Veterinary Microbiology Paper I & II 3+2
VCP-I (VLD-Part) Veterinary Clinical Practice 0+5
VCP-II (VLD-Part) Veterinary Clinical Practice 0+5



Course No Course Title Credit


VMC-601 General Bacteriology* 2+1
VMC-602 Systemic Veterinary Bacteriology 2+1
VMC-603 General Virology* 2+1
VMC-604 Systematic Veterinary Virology 2+1
VMC-605 Principles of Veterinary Immunology* 2+1
VMC-606 Veterinary Mycology* 1+1
VMC-607 Vaccinology 2+0
VMC-608 Techniques In Microbiology 0+2
VMC-609 Techniques In Molecular Microbiology 1+2
VMC-610 Molecular Immunology 1+1
VMC-611 Mucosal Immunology 1+0


VMC-612 Introduction to Microbial Bioinformatics 1+0
VMC-691 Master’s Seminar* 1+0
VMC-699 Master’s Research 0+30

*Core Courses PhD

Course No Course Title Credit


VMC 701 Advances in Veterinary Bacteriology* 2+1
VMC 702 Advances in Veterinary Mycology 2+1
VMC 703 Bacterial Genetics 2+0
VMC 704 Microbial Toxins 2+1
VMC 705 Bacterial Pathogenesis 2+0
VMC 706 Advances in Veterinary Virology* 2+1
VMC 707 Molecular Viral Pathogenesis 2+1
VMC 708 Structure Function Relationship of DNA and RNA


VMC 709 Oncogenic Viruses 2+0
VMC 710 Slow Viral Infections and Prions 1+0
VMC-711 Advances in Veterinary Immunology* 2+1
VMC 712 Cytokines and Chemokines 2+0
VMC 713 Immunoregulation 1+0
VMC 714 Advances in Vaccinology 2+0
VMC 715 Current topics in Infection and Immunity 2+0
VMC 716 Veterinary Microbial Biotechnology 2+1
VMC 790 Special Problem 0+1
VMC 791 Doctoral Seminar I* 1+0
VMC 792 Doctoral Seminar II* 1+0
VMC 799 Doctoral Research 0+75

*Core Courses

  • Department faculty is also involved as resource faculty of the college of
  • Faculty has also taught various


BT-104 Principles of Microbiology 2+1
BT-204 Cell culture & Hybridoma Technology 2+1
BT 614 Principles of Microbiology 2+1


BT-615 Principles of Immunology & Vaccinology 2+1
BT 624 Tissue culture and Hybridoma technology 2+1
VPB-321 Animal Biotechnology 2+1
BTM-112 Microbiology-I 3+0
BTM-115 Microbiology lab-I 0+2
BTM-123 Microbiology-II 3+0
BTM-125 Microbiology lab-II 0+2
BT-704 Trends in Vaccinology 2+0
BT-705 Advances in animal cell culture 2+1
BBT 312 Animal biotechnology 3+0


Research Projects:

The department continues to engage in research work and a number of research schemes have been completed and continuing as follows: –

  • Animal Virus Research Project for Sheep Pox with facility for cell culture (ICAR Project) Feb 1964 to Feb 1974
  • All India coordinated Research project on Respiratory disease on Poultry (ICAR ) June 1968 to March 1974
  • Staphylococcus Toxin Scheme (State Plan Project) Completed in March 1974
  • Scheme regarding Regional Enterobacteriace Centre (Non Plan Scheme)
  • All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Epidemiological Studies on Foot and Mouth Disease
  • PL-480 project on respiratory mycoplasmosis in domestic animals
  • Genital Mycoplasma infections in Domestic animals with particular reference to prevalence and pathogenecity (October 1978 to April 1984)
  • Scheme for Investigation of Infectious Abortion (Brucellosis) Jan 1956 -1971
  • Studies on etiology of genital disorders especially repeat breeding in cows and buffaloes using a polymicrobial approach (Project Under the Emeritus Scientist Scheme (July 1989- July 1992)
  • Vaccine strategies for prevention of bacterial diarrhoea in neonatal calves. NATP, ICAR project, New Delhi (2002—2004).
  • Effect of Ocimum sanctum and Argemone Extracts on the induction of cytokines and their biological DST Project, New Delhi. (2005—2008)
  • Rural livestock production augmentation through disease monitoring and health interventions” – Niche Area of Excellence”, ICAR, New (Jan-2007- Feb-2012)
  • “A perspective multi-centric, randomized, open label study to evaluate immunogenicity and safety of canine parvovirus nasal vaccine in pups” from Indian Immunologicals,
  • “Collection and testing of diarrheic faecal samples of cattle and buffalo calves for the presence of rotavirus from organized dairy units in Mathura and surrounding areas” funded by Pfizer Animal Health, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals India-Private Limited, India (2012-2014).
  • “Clinical trial to study the safety and immunogenicity of Brucella abortus strain-19 reduced dose vaccines in cattle” funded by IIL,
  • “Screening of superficial wound and skin infections in animals for bacterial and mycotic pathogens and their drug sensitivity pattern with special reference to multiple drug resistance against commonly used antimicrobial agents” funded by University (2012- 2014).
  • Clinico-Microbiological investigation of ascites cases in canines and their need-based therapeutic interventions (2021-2022).
  • Studies on drug resistance profile of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli isolates recovered from clinical samples of animals and their biological control through bacteriophages (2021-2022).
  • Development of a rapid skin test for the diagnosis of Johne’s disease (2021-2022).
  • Evaluation of the efficacy of a polyherbal immunomodulator at improving the response to foot-and-mouth disease and haemorrhagic septicaemia vaccination in cattle (2021-2023)
  • Livestock Health and Disease Control Program Scheme on FMD (Since 2021)

Laboratory Facilities & Instruments

  1. COVID-19 Testing lab
  2. LSD Diagnostic lab
  3. State FMD Centre, LHDCP on FMD
  4. Molecular lab
  5. Vitek testing laboratory
  6. Virology laboratory
  7. Bacteriology & Mycology laboratory

Available Instruments

  • Real time PCR Thermocycler
  • Lyophilizer
  • Automated RNA extractor
  • Ice flaking machine
  • Gel Documentation system
  • Biosafety cabinet
  • Vertical Gel Electrophoresis
  • Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis
  • UV Spectrophotometer
  • ELISA reader
  • SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis
  • Immunoblot apparatus
  • CO2 Incubator
  • Orbital shaker incubator
  • Egg incubator
  • Inverted Microscope
  • Refrigerated centrifuge
  • Shaking dry bath

Training/ Conferences Organized:

The department has to its credit organization of ICAR Summer institutes, Professional Conferences of All India Status and National Seminars and International Symposium:

  • Summer institute in Infectious Abortion in Live Stock, From June 5th to July 1st
  • Summer institute in prevention and control of Genital infections of Cattle, Buffalo & Goat, June 16th to 11th
  • Fourth annual conference of IAVMI and Symposium on respiratory infections of Livestock and December 24-26- 1982.
  • National Seminar on Mycoplasma infections in animals, plants and Feb. 27-29, 1984
  • Summer institute on isolation and identification of Mycoplasma from animals, plants and humans, Oct, 27-Nov 10, 1985
  • International World Veterinary Practitioner Symposium: 5 1988.
  • First Congress of Indian Association of Mycoplasmologists and National Workshop and Symposium on Recent Advances in Mycoplasma Research in Man, Animals and Plant, 20-23 April
  • National Symposium on Epidemiology of Important Livestock & Avian Disease Including Molecular Epidemiology, 19-21 Nov. 1992
  • The national training cum workshop on cytokine assay 26th– 27th Feb, 2008.
  • “Training cum Workshop on Cytokine Assay” organized in the Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Veterinary Sciences, DUVASU, Mathura on 26-27 08.
  • Training programme on “Advanced Diagnostic Procedures of Genital Infections” organized in the Dept. of Microbiology and Epidemiology, College of Veterinary Sciences, DUVASU, Mathura on 2nd – 6th Feb,
  • Training Program on Advanced Diagnostic Procedures on genital infections” under Niche Area of September 16-20, 2009
  • XXVIII Annual Convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases (IAVMI) & International Conference on Challenges and opportunities in Veterinary Microbiology and Animal Health”, 30th October- 1st November, 2014.
  • National Webinar on “Current Concepts in Clinico-therapeutic management of Snake bite in Animals” under “Interactive session for students with Industry and Academic programme” component of IDP-NAHEP on 20th March,
  • National Symposium on, “Public Health challenge mitigation strategies at the confluence of one health approaches” and XIV National Biennial Conference of Association of Public Health Veterinarians (APHV) on 24 and 25th January, 2020 at COVS & AH, DUVASU, Mathura
  • Brainstorming Session on the topic “Brucellosis and Policy Intervention for its Control” organized by Department of Veterinary Microbiology, DUVASU, Mathura. December 12,
  • Brainstorming Session on the topic “Emerging Trends in Nan-biotechnology” organized by Department of Veterinary Microbiology, DUVASU, December 15, 2023.

Foreign visits

  • Several eminent researchers from the Department attended international conferences and contributed papers on various occasions.
  • R. C. Pathak-III International conference of goat production and disease. Tucson, Arizona, USA, Jan 10-15, 1982
  • P.    P.    Singh-5th International  congress   of   the    International   organization   for Mycoplasmology Jerusalem, June 24-29,1984
  • V. P. Singh-First International meeting on advances in virology, May 15-18th, 1985, Catania, Italy
  • A. K. Bhatia, International Seminar on Infectious diarrhoea in young calves-strategy for control in human and animals. Feb. 11th– 15th, University of Pedong, Victoria, Australia
  • R. C. Pathak, 2nd World Congress for Food Borne Infections & Intoxication, May 25-30, 1986, Berlin, West Germany
  • R. C. Pathak, 6th International Congress of the IOM, 26-31 Aug. 1986, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
  • B. C. Pal, 6th International Congress of the IOM, 26-31 Aug. 1986, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
  • R. C. Pathak, 4th International Conference on Goat production  and disease,  8th-13th March. 1987, Brasilia, Brazil
  • R. C. Pathak- 7th International Congress of the IOM, 2-9 June. 1988, Baden, Austria.
  • B.C. Pal, 7th International Congress of the IOM, 2-9 June. 1988, Baden, Alustria
  • V.K. Chaturvedi, 7th International Congress of the IOM, 2-9 June. 1988, Baden, Austria
  • S. K Yadav, ESVV International congress at Interlaken, Switzerland, 1994
  • S. K Yadav, 12th International conference of Mycoplasmology at Sydney, Australia, 1998
  • S. K. Yadav, International conference of Mycoplasmology at Vienna, Austria 2002.
  • S. K. Yadav, Joint annual conference of VAAM and GBM, Frankfurt, Germany, March 2008
  • S. K. Yadav, 6th Euro Virology Congress and Expo, Madrid, Spain, March 10-12, 2016
  • Ruchi Tiwari, Asian Council of Scientific Editors, Deira, Dubai, August 10-11, 2016
  • Rashmi Singh, International Conference on “Virus Diseases: One Health-One World”, 25-27 July 2017, Kuching, Malaysia
  • Ruchi Tiwari, Asian Council of Scientific Editors (ACSE) and Annual Conference of ACSTM, Deira, Dubai, 12th-14th August, 2017
  • Vinod K Singh, 2nd LASAM workshop on IACUC: Embracing Legalities and Responsibilities in Animal Research & 6th NCLAS, 30 Jul-2 Aug 2018, Bangi, Malaysia
  • Ruchi Tiwari, 5th Annual Conference of ACSE and 2nd ACSTM, at Dubai, UAE on 20th -22nd March, 2018
  • Rashmi Singh, three months International Training on ‘New generation vaccines based on adenoviral vectors’ at Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization – International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, under IDP- NAHEP, DUVASU. Oct – Dec 2022
  • Ruchi Tiwari, six months Overseas International training under NAHEP-IDP, ICAR at Department of Population Health & Pathobiology, NCSU, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. July-Dec 2022
  • Dr Vinod Kumar Singh, Nepal
  • Rashmi Singh attended First International Joint Conference of Association of Public Health Veterinarian (APHV) and Veterinary Public Health Association of Nepal (VPHAN) and XV Biennial Symposium of APHV on “Role of Public Health Veterinarians in environmentally sensitive, low- and middle- income countries achieving health security through One Health concept” at Kathmandu, Nepal, 29 – 30 September, 2023

Recognitions/Awards/ Achievements

  • Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Best paper award IInd annual meeting of Indian Society of Veterinary Biotechnology
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Best Paper Award-Journal of Experimental Biology & Agricultural Science for Review article 2013.
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, acted as Rapporteur in Sessions of Veterinary Science modules and Animal Husbandry modules in One day Interface meeting/Workshop at DUVASU, Mathura, U.P.,
  • Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Best Oral Presentation award, Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases (IAVMI) (XXVIII Annual Convention) 2014
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Best Oral presentation award, National Seminar by Society of Veterinary Science & Biotechnology (SVSBT), at DUVASU, Mathura, 2014.
  • Dr Vinod Kumar Singh, Best Poster Presentation Award at GRISAAS-2015
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Best Paper Awards (3) by Advances in Animal & Veterinary Sciences (April, May, June 2015)
  • Dr Vinod Kumar Singh, Reviewer Excellence Award by International Journal of Medical Microbiology and Tropical Diseases 2016
  • Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Dr M. Singh Award, Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists 2017
  • Dr Vinod Kumar Singh, Best Poster Presentation Award at GRISAAS-2017
  • Rashmi Singh, DBT-CTEP Travel Grant & INSA Grant, 2017
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Second Best Oral presentation award in 35th Annual convention and National symposium by Indian Society of Veterinary Medicine (ISVM), at CoVS, Tiruneveli, Tamil Nadu, 2017.
  • Dr Vinod Kumar Singh, Young Scientist Award by SVWS, Lucknow 2017
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Recognition as Session Chairman, 5th Annual Conference of ACSE and 2nd ACSTM at Deira, Dubai, UAE, 2018
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Brand Ambassador, Bentham Science Publishers 2018-continuing
  • Rashmi Singh, Reviewer Excellence Award, Indian Journal of Animal Research 2016.
  • Rashmi Singh, Reviewer Excellence Award, Indian Journal of Animal Research 2019.
  • Dr Vinod Kumar Singh, Reviewer Excellence Award by Indian Journal of Animal Research, Agriculture Research Communication Centre, Karnal 2019
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Outstanding Women Award VIWA, Chennai 2019
  • Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Best poster presentation award (3rd), Veterinary Internal and Preventive Medicine Society (1st Annual Convention)
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Women Leadership Awards-2019 for Contribution in Veterinary and Animal Sciences Indian Women Convention 2019
  • Dr Vinod Kumar Singh, IFBA certification exam Scholarship, Frontline Healthcare Workers Safety Foundation, Ltd. (Frontline Foundation), TX, USA 2019
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Faculty of the Year award CEGR, New Delhi 2019
  • Rashmi Singh, Best Poster Award (second) XIV Biennial Conference of Association of Public health Veterinarians, 2019
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Women Achiever award, Indian Women Convention 2019
  • Dr Vinod Kumar Singh, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Scholarship to attend SAADC-2019
  • Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Best oral presentation award (2nd) Association of Public health Veterinarians (APHV) (XIV Biennial Conference) 2020
  • Rashmi Singh, Best Poster Award (third), Annual Convention of Veterinary Internal and Preventive Medicine Society, 2020
  • Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Best poster presentation award (3rd) Association of Public health Veterinarians (APHV) (XIV Biennial Conference) 2020
  • Rashmi Singh, Appreciation Certificate as Corona warrior by DUVASU, Mathura, 2020
  • Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Vice Chancellor appreciation award for Contribution in COVID testing Lab DUVASU, Mathura, 2020
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Vice Chancellor appreciation award for Contribution in COVID-19 testing Lab DUVASU, Mathura, 2020
  • Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Best e-poster presentation award Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology (e-conference) (XX Annual Conference) 2021
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Best PhD Thesis award in 4th International Conference of AEDS-2021
  • Dr Vinod Kumar Singh, Nominee of CPCSEA, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India, New Delhi 2021
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Appreciation certificate by ICAR-NRC on Meat Hyderabad and ICAR- NAARM Hyderabad 2021
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) 2021 Award, List Released by ClarivateTM (Clarivate         Analytics,        Thomson        Reuters,         Web         of Science)   https://recognition.webofscience.com/awards/highly-cited/2021/(ClarivateTM) 2021
  • Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Best Oral Presentation Association of Mastitis (1st National Conference) 2022
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Best oral presentation award-III, 1st National Conference of Association of Mastitis 2022
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Young Researcher of the Year Award in IVth National Education Excellence Conclave 2022
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Recipient of Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) Award by ClarivateTM (Clarivate Analytics, Thomson Reuters, Web of Science) 2022
  • Rashmi Singh, M R Dhanda Oration Award lecture in XVth Biennial Symposium of Association of Public Health Veterinarian (APHV) and first International Joint Conference of APHV and Veterinary Public Health Association of Nepal (VPHAN), Kathmandu, Nepal. 2023
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, PISRF- Fellowship award in 2nd International conference of ICFPLS, Portblair, Andaman & Nicobar island 2023
  • Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Best Oral Presentation award, Indian Society of Genetics, Bio- technology Research and Development, (8th International Conference), 2023
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, Commendable faculty award in the field of Veterinary in 2nd Faculty Research Award at Teen Murti Bhavan, New Delhi 2023
  • Rashmi Singh, Best Oral Presentation Award, 64th Annual International Conference of the Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI) at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, UP. 2023
  • Dr Ruchi Tiwari, acted as rapporteur in 2nd International conference of ICFPLS by ICAR- CIARI, Andaman & Nicobar, Port Blair, India 2023
  • Ajay Pratap Singh acted as Repertoire in Indian Society of Genetics, Bio-technology Research and Development (8th International Conference) 2023
  • Ruchi Tiwari, acted as Rapporteur in 8th International conference on Wildlife-Bioscience, Biotechnological Innovations and Avant-garde genetic technologies (WBBIAGT) by Indian Society of Genetics, Biotechnology Research & Development 2023
  • Ruchi Tiwari, acted as Rapporteur in National conference of ISBD and Symposium at DUVASU, Mathura 2023
  • Ajay Pratap Singh acted as technical secretary in National conference of ISBD and Symposium at DUVASU, Mathura 2023
  • Rashmi Singh acted as Chairman in National conference of ISBD and Symposium at DUVASU, Mathura 2023
  • Rashmi Singh acted as outside expert in Institutional Biosafety Committee of CIRG, Makhdoom.

Additional Responsibilities of the faculty

  • Rashmi Singh as Nodal Officer, Covid-19 Testing Lab, DUVASU.
  • Rashmi Singh acting as Chairman, Women Grievance Cell, DUVASU.
  • Rashmi Singh acting as Nodal Officer, UGC, DUVASU.
  • Rashmi Singh acting as Dean, College of Biotechnology, DUVASU.
  • Rashmi Singh acting as Member, IAEC, DUVASU.
  • Ajay Pratap Singh acting as Incharge, Deen Dayal Auditorium, DUVASU.
  • Ajay Pratap Singh as PI, LSD diagnostic laboratory and FMD project.