February 13, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Livestock Products Technology


Department of Livestock Products Technology

Department of Dairy Science was one of the constituent Departments of Veterinary College. However, after introduction of VCI Curriculum, the Department was re-designated as the Department of Livestock Products Technology. Post graduate programme has been initiated in the Department from year 2010-11 realizing the need of specialized human resources for food processing industry.

Apart from undertaking under-graduate and post graduate teaching, department is planning to strengthen the product development and quality control facilities in the livestock products sector to give renewed thrust to research in present era of globalization. Steps have been taken to improve the infrastructure of the Department in the area of meat processing, packaging and quality control of livestock products.
The department plans to take on research in developing and standarizing value added meat and dairy products to cater the present day demand of ready to eat convenient livestock products. Department is also engaged in imparting training to ex-military personnel, farmers, milk producers and livestock owners (both men and women) belonging to the self help groups in areas of hygienic milk production, meat and milk processing, qaulity control and value addition of milk, meat and poultry.

Recently under “Experiential Learning Programme”, new Milk Processing Plant is being set up at the Dairy Farm of the University. Apart from imparting practical training and knowledge to our graduate and
postgraduate students, entrepreneurs and milk-producers, it will also provide an opportunity to students to “earn while learning”, besides actual learning experience in milk processing and milk products diversification for value addition. centre will soon be equipped with modern milk processing machinery and equipments viz. milk pasteurizer, homogenizer, bulk cooling, packaging, cream separation, butter manufacturing. The milk products manufacturing will also include ghee section, paneer/cheese section, ice cream section, flavoured milk section etc.


Coming soon………


Coming soon………


Coming soon………


Coming soon………


Coming soon………